Pilgrim Paths
Pilgrim Paths is a series of circular walks around the villages of the Bicester and Islip Deanery, linking groups of two, three or four churches. Learn more​​
If you want to contact the team or receive email updates about future community pilgrimages then email bicislip.pilgrimpaths@gmail.com.
Please find information on individual walks, including leaflets, see below.
Anyone is welcome to join the group on Facebook; it's a great way to stay informed about new leaflets being published.
A pilgrimage is a spiritual journey to a sacred place.
These leaflets offer Bible passages and reflections to accompany your journey, with suggestions of places to pause. Please allow much more time than you would usually spend on a walk to be able
to contemplate the journey.
The circular walk may include road walking through villages, footpaths through woods and fields and negotiating some stiles. You may also encounter sheep, cattle or horses grazing in the fields.
Below, you'll find nine leaflets available for download, with more scheduled for publication. While some leaflets are accessible in churches, all can be downloaded here.