Five benefices working together for faith and the future
Deanery Leadership Team
Tina Shaw
Lay Chair
Jane White
Cath Mullineux
Steven Croft
Diocesan Bishop
The Bishop of Oxford, The Right Reverend Steven Croft. He has responsibility for the whole diocese of Oxford, which covers Oxfordshire, Buckinghamshire and Berkshire, but his main pastoral focus is on the City of Oxford itself. He also has national responsibilities.
Gavin Collins
Area Bishop
Our Area Bishop is The Bishop of Dorchester, The Right Reverend Gavin Collins. The Area Bishop has pastoral care for all the clergy in the area and can often be seen at Institutions (when new clergy are inducted) and at Confirmations.
David Tyler
The Archdeacon of Dorchester is The Venerable David Tyler. The archdeacon is responsible for the nuts and bolts, some of the less glamorous aspects of church life, such as faculties and sorting out knotty problems!
Jane Haslam
Associate Archdeacon
Prebendary Jane Haslam is the Associate Archdeacon. Â She assists the archdeacon in his ministry.